Saturday, November 30, 2019
Successful Implementation of the Change Process
Organizational managers are change management tools that are critical for implementing change within organization endeavoring to changing from one level to another in line with an organizationââ¬â¢s strategic vision. Therefore their roles coupled with appropriate skills and experiences are critical to successful change over.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Successful Implementation of the Change Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Among the requirements for a manager to initiate and successfully transform an organization is a clear and unambiguous understanding of the current position of an organization, the reasons for initiating change, understand organizational environment in terms of the culture, organizational behavior, processes involved in the change process, and the relationship between employees, the organization, and management (Harris Moran, 1987). An organizationsââ¬â¢ environment must be assessed before commencing change. Managers must ensure change plans are well designed and the implementation accurately done to give a satisfactory feedback when an evaluation is conducted of the new look organizations (Christensen Donovan n.d). Equipped with the skills highlighted above, an organizational manager plays various roles in the transformation process. Among these is creating the need for urgent change within an organization. Urgency should be characterized by reality and relevance. When organizational employees see the need for change and associated relevance, the resistance to change is minimized and workforce energy is efficiently optimized in bringing about change. Hall and Hall (1990) argue that managers should understand that change can be emotional and may impact adversely on organizational employees. In addition to that, organizational executives understand that change cannot be imitated single handedly or through management orders, therefore they unde rstand the value of team work. The next role of a manager bringing about change is to create a team to effect the changes. When people work as a team, the synergistic model indicates that better organizational transformations can be achieved in a short period. In addition to that, team work enhances employee productivity and oneness of purpose in initiating change. The created team should incorporate people of various experiences and skills to ensure successful transformations. The next role is establishing a clear vision that clearly communicates to both management, organizational stakeholders, and employees the next level the organization will be transformed to. Each stakeholder is interested in the gains that could be made at personal and organizational levels. Stakeholders would like to understand if the transformation is worth their involvements and accruing benefits. In addition to that, employee should be made to focus their energies towards achieving organizational success i n the transformation process.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another role is communication. A well experienced and sanguine manager wanting to see the transformation process a success communicates the organizationââ¬â¢s strategy in a language that stirs employee and stakeholder involvement in the change process. The manager establishes efficient communication networks through which feedback can be received and employee attitude and stakeholder behavior can be monitored and evaluated. Managers with unrivaled keenness of understanding know well that communication is a component that drives change to higher levels of success or bring about resistance to change. Empowering action is one of the critical roles of a manager. When change has been identified as the way for an organization, various obstacles may hinder the change management process. Managers need to desig n plans and strategies for removing any could be an obstacle in the change process to empower action by organizational employees. Obstacles can be removed by rewarding change and progress and at times using other contingency measures that may be deemed appropriate. A manager adept at initiating and driving organizational change creates a aims and objectives that are achievable in the short term. These short term goals should be manageable not to overwhelm employees and the management in initiating and implementing change. These may also be referred to as short term wins. Besides the above roles, a manager should not let up on the drive to bring about change. Rather, the executive should encourage persistence and continuous change progress in the change process. Once change has been introduced into organizations, managers should make change stay. Employees and stakeholders may develop the tendency to revert to old ways if the newly implemented change does not augur well with them. In addition to that, benefits may not be realized immediately. Therefore, a manager should continuously reinforce values and a culture in the new look organization by inculcating new behavior in the organization. To achieve these, a manager may give promotions, conduct new recruitments, and provide new leaders among a host of other strategies (Murphy Conrad, 1994).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Successful Implementation of the Change Process specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Handling staff resistance Since time immemorial, change has always come with resistance. Organizations meet staff resistance at various levels. However, it is a critical role for the manager to efficiently handle such resistance and transform an organization to a different level. Resistance may be due to fear of losing certain benefits, positions, jobs, status quo, conflicts, disruption, peer pressure, mistrust, and other related po sitions. In such an environment, managers should incorporate the element of a ââ¬Å"learning managerâ⬠. A learning manager draws from the experience of other organizations and incorporates the best techniques and experience in handling staff in the transformation process. To effectively handle employee resistance to change, managers should educate staff in clear and unambiguous terms on what to expect in this stage, prepare employees to confront the upcoming situation with realty, and educate them to realize that change is inevitable and the organization is bound to take on a new look. In addition to that, managers who value their staff use various techniques to prepare the staff emotionally confront the new environment. A well prepared does not fight change but embraces as a tool that has come at its own time (Christensen Donovan, n.d). The change Process A number of terms used in the change process include assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation are defined her eunder. Assessment: Is the act of evaluating the nature, quality, or significance of the proposed change in terms of an organizationââ¬â¢s strategic vision. Planning: The process of scheduling change process goals, defining task requirements for achieving these goals in line with an organizationââ¬â¢s change strategy.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Implementation: It is an institutionalized stepwise metric for monitoring the bringing about organizational changes in a defined way. Well implemented change remains consistent with organizational objectives and strategic vision. Evaluation: Is a measure used to determine the employee performance and organizational success in implementing change. Evaluations provide accurate information that is used as a benchmark in appraising the change process. Therefore successful implementation of the change process is a collective effort by managers, employees, and stakeholders which should be conducted with a keenness of purpose to attract all stakeholder involvement in the process to effectively bring about the desired change in line with an organizationââ¬â¢s strategic vision. References Christensen C. M. and Donovan T. (n.d). The process of strategy development andà Implementation.à Web. Hall, E. T. Hall, M. R. (1990). Hidden Differences: Doing Business withà the Japanese, New Y ork: Doubleday Anchor Books. Harris, P. R. Moran, R. T. (1987). Managing Cultural Differences,à Houston: Gulf Publishing Company. Murphy, S. E Conrad, L. (1994). The Role of Team Leaders in a TQMà Environment. Human Resource Professional 7 (4). 15-19. This research paper on Successful Implementation of the Change Process was written and submitted by user Beau Payne to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Global Crossing Management Planning Essays
Global Crossing Management Planning Essays Global Crossing Management Planning Essay Global Crossing Management Planning Essay Global Crossing was founded by American financier, Gary Winning, in 1997. Even through adversity, its early 2000 bankruptcy filing; Global Crossing has managed to continue to build momentum. For example, they have produced nearly $1. 4 billion in Adjusted Gross Margin, which grew from 49% of revenue In 2007 to 53% In 2008. (Global Crossing, 2009, p. 4) In order for Global Crossing to continue to build momentum, there must be an efficient management strategy In place. To examine this management strategy, the planning function of management must be evaluated. To add, ethical conduct and corporate social responsibly must be analyzed to gauge management strategy. Lastly, there are many factors that influence the companys strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning, therefore, it is important to identify the most influential to gauge management planning. To better understand how Global Crossing is able to maintain its presents in a competitive market, the planning function of management must be evaluated. Planning allows organizations to identify goals to be achieved and decide the appropriate actions needed to achieve those goals. However, to deliver strategic value, Global Crossing has been able to better serve hose needs of its customers in terms of quality, speed, efficiency, and so on. According to the 2009 Crystal Ball report by Telemeter, Global Crossing received the highest percentage of customers willing to recommend their current provider. Global Crossings management planning Is best described as vertical structure. A vertical structure is a chain of command which begins with top executives whom establish plans first. : Eventually, plans trickle down a pipeline so others will implement them. Ideally, work is divided into function, then department, and finally tasks. Global Crossing has adopted a leadership team which includes, John Legers, Chief Executive Officer. In order to implement a plan, the first task any organization must start with is a goal or mission. Global Crossing mission is to maximize the growth of business by generating customer loyalty, with the passion and commitment of their team and the capabilities and assets they possess and create. (Global Crossing, 2009, p. 6) Furthermore, establishing a goal or mission emphasizes value. Now, Global Crossing Is able to spread Its mission to each and every employee to ensure no matter what the function or department there Is communality. To successfully manage any organization, organizations must adopt an ethical code and ensure social responsibility throughout company behavior. Global Crossing has been addle to stay competitive In teen telec ommunications market Decease AT Its opiate ethical code. Global Crossings Code of Ethics and Business Conduct policy, along with the Global Anti-Corruption Policy, is designed to provide guidance and framework for thought for all Global Crossing employees to always do business the right way and for the right reasons. (Global Crossing, 2009, p. 6) Ethics includes valued principles such as, acting with veracity, honesty, fairness, and respect. All employees of Global Crossing must be accountable for his or her actions, including top executives because in a vertical structure, persistence begins at the very top of command. When faced with ethical issues such as, willful blindness, under no circumstances may Global Crossing personnel ignore signs that and employee, partner, or third party may be engaging in corrupt behavior in connection with any venture or activity involving Global Crossing. (Global Crossing, 2009, p. 16) Furthermore, the ramifications of any Global Crossing personnel involved in corrupt behavior, legal measures may be brought into play due to Global Anti-Corruption Policy. According to John Legers, CEO of Global Crossing, employees identify and lead service projects that are personally meaningful to them. Part of our success is linked to the fact that our employees care as much for their communities as they do for our customers. John Legers statement is in regards to the companys commitment to corporate social responsibility. Social responsibility involves meeting societal expectations, not written in law. Bateman Snell, 2009, Chapter 5) To encourage social responsibility with Global Crossing personnel, the organization announced Global Caring. Global Caring allows personnel to become active in community service during its first employee community day. Personnel was granted an extra, paid day off to get involved with a charity of her or her choice. Furthermore, Global Crossing has adopted a Going Green slogan in efforts to raise awareness in the importance of the environment. What are Global Crossing most influential factor that impact the companys strategic, tactical, operational, and contingency planning? One the most important factors that impact a company are internal, for example, personnel. Not only are personnel a factor but they truly are the most valuable resources any company can have. In vertical structure, functions are identified which create specialized departments. One of these departments is customer service. According to Global Crossing 2008 Annual Report, 97% of Global Crossings customers rated themselves satisfied with their service allowing Global Crossing to achieve nearly $2. 6 billion in total revenue. Therefore, customer service can impact any companies bottom-line. To create such customer service, Global Crossing has adopted planning that allows them to emphasis this important factor.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Bzyt Archtecture Essay Research Paper The greatest
Bzyt Archtecture Essay, Research Paper The greatest of mediaeval civilisations was the Eastern Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was divided in 395. The Western half, ruled from Rome, was ruled by the savages in the fifth century. The Eastern half, known as the Byzantine Empire, lasted for more than over 1,000 old ages. The Byzantine Empire was one of the taking civilisations in the universe. Byzantine Architecture Is a assorted manner composed of Graeco-Roman and Oriental elements which, The signifier of the church used most in the West, a the long rectangular portion of the cathedral with the alter in it is supported on columns and an atrium appears in many illustrations of the 5th century in Byzantine. In the West this manner of constructing on occasion nowadayss similarities which are thought by some governments to be of Oriental origin # 8212 ; galleries over the side aisles, spirally channelled columns, and customss between capitals and arches. Vaulted basilicas were made at a early day of the month in Constantinople. The domical manner, with barrel-vaulted side aisles and transepts is a favorite with the Byzantines. Many of the oldest basilicas in Asia Minor, every bit good as the Church of St. Irene, Constantinople, carried one or more domes. This type leads to the construction in a centralised handbill, octangular, or cross molded program. In ancient Roman times tombs and baths had this kind of program. These types of edifices can non be seen as merely Byzantium, because the Romans and Oriental besides used these sorts of programs. Even in Italy, the churches there were strongly influenced bu the many influences from the West and peculiarly from the Byzantine. In the church of St. Sophia, built by Justinian, all the chief signifiers of the early Christian churches are represented. A rotunda is enclosed in a square, and covered with a dome which is supported in the way of the long axis of the edifice by half-domes over semicircular rounded terminals of the edifice. In this mode a basilica, 236 pess long and 98 pess broad, and provided with domes, is developed out of a cardinal chamber. Then the domical church is developed to the signifier of a long rectangle by two side aisles, which are denied of their significance by the monolithic wharfs. In forepart of all this, on the entryway side, are placed a broad atrium with transitions and two anterooms. The colossal chief dome, which is hemispherical on the inside, flatter, or saucer-shaped, on the outside, and pierced with 40 big Windowss. The ancient system of columns has merely a lease giver significance, back uping the galleries which open upon the long rectangular portion of the chuch that has the alter in it. Light flows in through the legion Windowss of the upper and lower narratives and of the domes. The dome, with its great span carried on wharfs, arches, and pendentives, constitutes one of the greatest accomplishments of architecture. ( The pendentives are the triangular surface of which a round dome can be supported on the crests of four arches arranged on a square program. ) . The designers of St. Sophia were Asians: Anthemius of Tralles and Isodorus of Miletus. In other great basilicas, local influences had great power in finding the character of the architecture, e. g. the churches of the Nativity, of the Holy Sepulchre, and of the Ascension, built in Palestine after the clip of Constantine. This is still more obvious in the dearly-won ornaments of these churches. Their love of luster is shown in the stacking up of domes and still more in confronting the walls with slabs of marble, in mosaics, in gold and coloring material ornaments, and in the many-coloured marbles of the columns and other architectural inside informations. Nothing seems to uncover the character of Byzantine architecture so much as the absence of work in the higher signifiers of sculpture, and the alteration of high into low ornament by agencies of interlacing traceries, in which the qi selled decorations became flatter, more additive, and lacelike. Besides the anterooms which originally surrounded St. Sophia, the columns with their capitals recall the old-timer. These columns about constantly supported arches alternatively of the architrave and were, for that ground, reinforced by a block of rock placed on top and shaped to conform to the arch. Gradually, nevertheless, the capital itself was cut to the broader signifier of a abbreviated square pyramid, as in St. Sophia. The capitals are at times rather bare, when they serve at the same clip as customss or intermediate supporting blocks, at other times they are marked with monograms or covered with a web of carving, the latter transforming them into basketlike capitals. Flat ornamentations of flowers and animate beings are besides found. The fortress like character of the church edifices, the crisp look of the constructive signifiers, the chunky visual aspect of the domes, the basic grouping of many parts, these are all more in conformity with the coarser work of the ulterior period of the Byzantine. Two other types of Justinianââ¬â¢s clip are presented by the renovated church of the Apostles and the church of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus. Both churches are in the capital. It is a dome-crowned octagon with an exterior aisle. The former church was built on the program of a Grecian Cross with four equal weaponries with a dome over the crossing and one over each arm. During the period of the Macedonian emperors, Basil I and Leo VI, an upward tendency in political relations, literature, and art set in. The Grecian basilica, which is a elongated construction, barrel-vaulted and provided with one or more domes, is besides widely represented in this period, while the western signifier of basilica, with the wooden ceiling wasn # 8217 ; Ts used any longer. A type looking more often is the domical church program or the Greek-cross program. The Koimesis, or Dormitio, in Nicaea has a clear basilica program. The same with the church of the Holy Mother of God at Constantinople, dating from the 10th century, and of the churches of Mt. Athos. The church at Skripu in Boeotia, of the same period, has three naves each stoping in an apsis, but the dome crowns the center of the edifice as in the Greek- cross type. The outsides of these churches, which are normally instead little, are treated with greater attention and are artistically decorated with alternations of rock and brick, smaller domes over the anterooms, a richer system of domes, and the lift of these domes by agencies of membranophones. The insides are decorated really nicely. It seems that they could non make plenty in this regard. This can still be seen in the church of St. Luke in Phocis, at Daphni, in the Nea Moni at Chio, and others. In this period the perfected art of the capital becomes the theoretical account for the imperium every bit good as for parts beyond its boundary lines: Syria, Armenia, Russia, Venice, Middle and Southern Italy, and Sicily. For the West, it is merely necessary to advert the church of St. Mark at Venice. After its business by the Reformers in 1204, Constantinople partially lost its character and at the same clip the far-reaching influence of its communicating with Western states. There still remained four Centres of Byzantine art: the capital itself, Mt. Athos, Hellas, and Trebizond. The architecture of Mt. Athos presents the most faithful contemplation of the Byzantine manner. The theoretical account of the church of the monastery of Laura, belonging to the old period, is more or less dependably reproduced. A dome, supported on four sides by barrel vaults, stands straight over the center of the transept, which is terminated at either terminal by a unit of ammunition apsis. The existent architectural decorations are forced into the background by the dearly-won mosaics and which practically cover all available wall surface. The architecture of this period remained still. Bibliography the short history of the Byzantium Empire 1986 measure blackman
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Learning many languages in the future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Learning many languages in the future - Essay Example It is significant to point out where the problem lies in the language acquisition domains. The concern with people around the world is that they do not let their children learn many languages as they have distinctive dispositions and viewpoints. It is a problem because the parents do not realize that if they disallow their young ones from learning new languages, they are in essence asking them not to move ahead in life ââ¬â both personally as well as professionally. There is an ignorant vibe that can be collected from the domains of the parents as they intend to upgrade the lives of their children. However what they seem to forget is the fact that these children have to see the new age which these parents might not be able to make it through. Since the children will be alive even after the parents have long gone by from this world, they need to set up a proper basis for their growth and development. This can be done when they allow their children to learn new languages and unders tand for their own selves how they will view life their own way. What is even more surprising is the fact that the parents have earmarked certain languages for their children and would forbid them to learn others. This is a negative approach as has been comprehended with the passage of time. The parents are perhaps feeling that their children are overburdened with studies already and if they try their hand at learning a new language, they will have an even harder time. What they seem to forget is the fact that the parents have a definite role under such scenarios. They need to make efforts to settle the difficulties once and for all. Learning new languages is not a negative aspect; rather it should be seen in a positive way. If they learn new languages, they will be at a benefit as compared to the people who do not have any know-how regarding a specific dictum. The most basic problem is that the parents do not understand the very problem. If realization of the problem is done, perha ps many things can be handled in an amicable fashion but unfortunately this is not the case. As (Paton 2012) depicts, ââ¬Å"The number of schoolchildren shunning the subjects between the age of 14 and 16 has more than doubled since the late 90s, it was revealed.â⬠In this day and age, learning new languages ensure that the children stay one step ahead of many of their colleagues and have an advantage over others when it comes to their professional domains and settings. Hence only when the problem is identified, can there be a solution found for it. Sadly and quite rightly so, the parents are unwary of the fact that their young ones are feeling left behind in this global rat race to reach the top and learning new languages can benefit them like none other. Also, (Paton 2012) believes that ââ¬Å"The drop has been particularly marked in French and German ââ¬â traditionally the two most popular languages at school ââ¬â with both being named among the fastest declining sub jects at GCSE level last summer.â⬠In essence, the cause of the problem revolves around the fact that parents have a non-serious role within such matters. They are the ones who would not let their young ones learn a new language merely because they would feel that by learning a new language, their children will be burdened immensely. Also the reason for this lies in the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Young Australians & the U.N Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Young Australians & the U.N - Essay Example I know my input can help shape the community and make a difference to other young people. Being a Committee member will give the individual a valuable opportunity to build their skill base by gaining leadership experience, an in-depth knowledge of the youth sector, and build networks within the business and community sector.â⬠(Adam Smith, Deputy Chair of The Foundation for Young Australians). Also United Nations Youth Associations of Australia is a significant voice for the youth of Australia. They play an important role in the education of every youth as each individual is looked upon as the next leader of the country. Youth speak are between the age group of 12 to 25years. Ben Groom the elected Australian youth representative to the United Nations Spent five months traveling around Australia and collecting issues to be represented at the UN. The Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations is a member of the Australian Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Once selected, the Youth Representative has the challenging but amazing task of consulting with a substantial proportion of Australiaââ¬â¢s youth population. The broad goal of the consultation phase is to equip the Youth Representative with a comprehensive mandate of youth representation that may be outside the normal scope of their experiences as a young person. This will assist greatly in the preparation of the Youth Representativeââ¬â¢s address to the General Assembly. (Australian Youth Representative to UN, 2007) Ben Groom is the 2007 Australian youth Representative to the UN. On 9th October Ben addressed the UN and the issues represented were due to insufficient rains many were facing drought. ââ¬Å"Young people are the most effective agents of change. The world can harness this energy by strengthening the role of education and training in global climate change solutions. Australian youth have already proven we can
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Market Structures Essay Example for Free
Market Structures Essay According to McConnell and Brue (2004), a monopoly occurs when a single firm is the sole producer of a product for which no close substitutes exist. Since the United States Postal Service (USPS, 2008) has no close substitutes, competition does not exist. The Postal Serviceââ¬â¢s universal service obligation (USO) is broadly outlined in multiple statutes and encompasses multiple dimensions: geographic scope, range of products, access to services and facilities, delivery frequency, affordable and uniform pricing, service quality, and security of the mail (USPS 2008). When monopolists are not protected by law from competition, the companies may have to keep their prices low in order to keep competition from entering the market. However, USPS is considered a pure monopoly and barriers of entry are in place. USPS is the only federal operating system that sends and delivers mail. USPS has competition in the market with services such as package delivery. Now, the agency has to compete with major companies such as UPS and FedEx. United States Postal Services depends on operation funding from postage and fees. Comparatively, the Postal Service provides a higher level of service and does so at low, affordable prices (USPS, 2008). The University of Phoenix (UOP) is an institution for profit and it operates in a market structure with pure competition. According to McConnell and Brue (2004), ââ¬Å"pure competition involves a very large number of firms producing a standardized product (that is, a product identical to that of other producers, such as corn or cucumbers). New firms can enter or exit the industry very easily,â⬠(University of Phoenix, 2004). There are many universities, colleges, community colleges, and vocational schools for students to choose from. They offer education in the U. S. and overseas. Different educational institutions offer programs that are identical or similar to UOP. However, the tuition is not the same for all schools. UOP does not have a perfect substitute because of the many campus locations and varied degree programs. UOP does not have a significant control over the price of education. It can not change the market price; it can only adjust to it. University of Phoenix participates in Federal Student Aid grant and loan programs with attractive terms. All students seeking federal financial aid benefits must be admitted to a financial aid eligible degree or certificate program in order to determine financial aid eligibility. In order to be eligible for tuition deferment under the Financial Aid Plan, at least 50% of studentââ¬â¢s annual tuition must be funded through the federal financial aid benefits and there are extremely strict policies that the UOP must adhere to in order to be eligible for Title IV. University of Phoenix observes the federal regulations regarding student loan requirements, including pricing and non-pricing strategies. The Arizona Student Loan Code of Conduct is designed to create and ensure uniform student loan practices that focus on the best interest of borrowers. In the Arizona Student Loan Code of Conduct, restrictions are defined to manage the relationships among school employees, learning institutions, lender advisory board members, and student loan organizations. In education, universities can freely enter and existing firms can freely leave purely competitive industries. According to McConnell and Brue (2004), ââ¬Å"a few industries more closely approximate pure competition than any other market structure. In particular, we can learn much about markets for agricultural goods, fish products, foreign exchange, basic metals, and stock shares by studying the pure-competition model. Also, pure competition is a meaningful starting point for any discussion of price and output determination. Moreover, the operation of a purely competitive economy provides a standard, or norm, for evaluating the efficiency of the real-world economy,â⬠(University of Phoenix, 2004). Nike is an example of a monopolistic competition. This type of market structure has many sellers. Each firm in this market sells only a small share of the industryââ¬â¢s output. The key to this is product differentiation. While there are many firms selling similar products, itââ¬â¢s the price and quality differentiation that makes the consumer choose one product over another. (Forgang Einolf, 2006) These markets are extremely competitive and each manufacturer tries to appeal to the consumer on a different level of expert service or material. (University of Phoenix, 2004). The Nike swoosh has certainly become a brand mark that consumers are willing to pay a higher price for, however, Nike must also consider the current economy and the value offered for that higher price. Their products must truly be manufactured with superior quality and materials. Nike must walk a fine line with their pricing strategy. Too high a price will cause the consumer to opt for a less expensive brand and too low a price will not offset the superior manufacturing or costs paid to athletes to endorse or assist with design on the product. Therefore, Nike continuously battles between a relative price for the average consumer and making an acceptable profit. Also, Nike must constantly put a new, trendy product on the market. Styles must change frequently and certain quantities of the product must be produced without saturating the market with similar products. The niche Nike has chosen is to eliminate certain styles within a time frame therefore, causing the consumer to upgrade to the newest, latest, styles. The J. C. Penny Company, commonly known as ââ¬Å"Pennies,â⬠is an American department store aligned with the practice of oligopoly. The characteristics of oligopoly have commercial groups entwined in price collusion while refusing to compete on the basis of price. It was noted by McConnell and Brue that commercial groups ââ¬Å"share of the total market is typically determined through product development and advertisement,â⬠(University of Phoenix, 2004). In short, oligopoly happens when a certain market is manipulated by small commercial groups. In most cases, there are two or more commercial groups controlling the market. Pennies is a retail store that carries a wide verity of health and beauty products, fine jewelry, electronics, clothing for infants, teenagers, men and women, and home decor. In most cases, oligopolies would avoid using price cutting methods. Oligopolistic commercial groups are highlighted by the existence of several commercial groups having significant portions of the market. Those commercial groups buy into calculated behavior and they have a hard time existing without each other. Consequently, the actions of one commercial group can be directly affected by the moves of rival groups and the products they produce may virtually be nearly uniform or meaningful. Another example of an oligopoly (overt) is the OPEC cartel. According to Kaplan (1999), an oligopoly is an industry that is dominated by a few firms that display highly coordinated behavior and examples of oligopoly include the auto and oil industries. Concerning the oil industry, the oil cartel OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) is a pure example of an oligopoly. OPEC is the alliance of thirteen countries that have significant influence on the price of international oil and ââ¬Å"creating a balance between oil supply and demandâ⬠(Iran, 2008). Generally, oligopolies operate in collusion or employ price leadership. OPEC relies on these secret agreements (collusion) to govern oil in the international market. Additionally, these countries can unify and offer prices ââ¬Å"in response to changes in costs or demandsâ⬠, making other firms react quickly (Kaplan, 1999). ââ¬Å"It is not uncommon to see several gas stations on the same block with identical prices even though they appear to be in a very competitive environment. If one stations cuts the price per gallon, the others must quickly follow of they will rapidly lose market share as consumers switch to the lower priced stationâ⬠(Kaplan, 1999). This uniformity still does not have the power to ignore consumer taste. When examining the dynamic history between OPEC and consumers, it is clear that there is a cause-and-effect for OPECââ¬â¢s decision. For example, OPEC has famously used oil as a leverage tool to importer nations. In 1973, OPEC and a supplementary organization decided to place an embargo on oil and subsequently raised the price of crude oil. However, Western nations transitioned creatively as they found new oil markets in other countries. Thus, the price hike did not have much bearing on the Western nations. The monopolist seeks maximum total profit, not maximum price. The monopolist shuns higher price because they yield a smaller-than-maximum total profit. Some high prices that could be charge would reduce total sales and total revenue too severely to offset any decrease in total costâ⬠(McConnell Brue, 2004). Moreover, OPEC miscalculated production and consumer demand for oil, which resulted in too much oil production in the world market. Thus, prices began to decline due to surplus while OPEC lost much revenue and division because of competing opinions on oil prices and arguments about oil production. Recently, the 9/11 attacks and the Iraqi invasion prompted world oil prices to rise higher than OPEC quotas, which severely impacted the purchase price to Western consumers. Yet, automobile firms began vehicles with alternative fuel options, hybrid models, and decreasing the retail prices of vehicles during the economic recession. Additionally, many consumers have reacted to price hikes by using public transportation, carpooling, purchasing hybrid or alternative fuel vehicles, and/or moving closer to the city. Lastly, Western importer nations are discovering new oil markets separate from OPEC. Still, collusion allows OPEC to ââ¬Å"reach agreements to fix prices, divide up the market, and otherwise restrict competition amongst themselves. By controlling price through collusion, oligopolists may be able to reduce uncertainty, increase profits, and perhaps even prohibit the entry of new rivalsâ⬠(McConnell Brue, 2004). In respect to todayââ¬â¢s global economic condition, a recession can severely disable a cartelââ¬â¢s ability to manipulate output and increase profits. ââ¬Å"Long-lasting recession usually serves as an enemy of collusion because slumping markets increase average total cost. Firms find that they have substantial excess production capacity, sales are down, unit costs are up, and profits are being squeezed. Under such conditions, businesses may feel they can avoid serious profit reductions by cutting price and thus gaining sales at the expense of rivalsâ⬠(McConnell Brue, 2004). As recently as November 2008, OPEC is considering reducing oil output. ââ¬Å"But if crude prices continue to fall, then an additional OPEC cut may be needed. ââ¬Å"The producer group agreed to cut output from November 1 by 1. million barrels per day (bpd) after oil prices dived from a July record of $147 a barrel to less than that. Venezuela said on Tuesday it will propose another cut of 1 million bpd at the cartelââ¬â¢s next meetingâ⬠(Iran, 2008). Thus, ââ¬Å"investor concerns over further declines in crude oil demand under the impact of the global financial crisis have kept pressing recent oil prices lowerâ⬠(Iran, 2008). With the drop in gas prices, consum ers are able to purchase more gas based on oil price reduction, income, and inelasticity of gas as a resource. In the Market Structures Simulation, Quasar starts as a leader in the industry with its technology. Quasar has the monopoly on the market at the start of the scenario. After the initial surge of manufacturing and selling the products, Quasar realizes it must invest in advertising and upgrades to production to keep the edge. Orion begins to produce a similar product at a lower price. Quasar must understand that stabilizing the price at this time will create an oligopoly market structure and stabilize the industry. As Quasar adjusts its price accordingly, profits stay steady and Quasar is able to invest in its own branding and innovation once again. As time goes on, we see Quasar move to a perfect competition where inventory is reduced, manufacturing processes are improved, and prices are stable. At this point, Quasar needs to maintain its market share by staying on top while continuing to increase the efficiency of its processes to maximize profits.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Effective Teaching of Abstract Algebra :: Mathematics Education Papers
Effective Teaching of Abstract Algebra Abstract Algebra is one of the important bodies of knowledge that the mathematically educated person should know at least at the introductory level. Indeed, a degree in mathematics always contains a course covering these concepts. Unfortunately, abstract algebra is also seen as an extremely difficult body of knowledge to learn since it is so abstract. Leron and Dubinsky, in their paper à ¡Ã §An Abstract Algebra Storyà ¡Ã ¨, penned the following two statements, summarizing comments that are often heard from both teacher and student alike. 1."The teaching of abstract algebra is a disaster, and this remains true almost independently of the quality of the lectures." (Leron and Dubinsky agree with this statement.) 2."There's little the conscientious math professor can do about it. The stuff is simply too hard for most students. Students are not well-prepared and they are unwilling to make the effort to learn this very difficult material." (Leron and Dubinsky disagree with this statement.)(Leron and Dubinsky, p. 227) Thus the question is raised: if there is something the "conscientious math professor can do about" the seemingly disastrous results in the learning of algebra, what is it that we can do? As a teacher of undergraduate mathematics, I want and need to know what these effective methods of teaching abstract algebra are. Leron and Dubinsky's paper referred to above and papers resulting from their research contain the bulk of literature that I reviewed. In this paper, they summarize their experimental, constructivist approach to teaching abstract algebra. Among the classroom activities are computer activities, work in teams, individual work, class discussion, and sometimes a mini-lecture summarizing the results of student work (which by this time is familiar to them), providing definitions, theorems, and proofs in their abstract forms. The computer activities use the ISETL programming language. As an example of its use, students write a program implementing the group axioms. They then can enter what they consider to be a group, and the computer will give as output a true or false response. They can use the same process to determine whether their proposed group is closed, has an identity, etc. They choose their answer and then let the computer respond. In this way, students à ¡Ã §constructà ¡Ã ¨ the group process, with the view that they will also have a à ¡Ã §parallel constructionà ¡Ã ¨ occurring in their minds. Students have an experience on which to base their learning of group theory. The method proposed here by Leron and Dubinsky certainly seems patterned after Dubinsky's theoretical foundation for student learning laid out in his work à ¡Ã §Reflective Abstraction In Advanced Mathematical Thinking.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Gandhi’s Impact on the Liberation of Indian Women
India has the world's largest number of professionally qualified women. It has more female doctors, surgeons, scientists and professors than the United Statesi. This is a remarkable accomplishment for Indian women. Despite all of this, for thousands of years Indian women have been treated unfairly and unequally. It has taken years for women to gain respect in society; it did not come over night. Not one single event has emancipated women, instead it has been a series of events which has led Indian women to their liberation. Many riots, protests and powerful leadership have taken place in order to overcome this rigorous struggle. Due to the leadership of one man India changed from being controlled by the British Commonwealth to becoming and Independent Nation. This leader was Mahatma Gandhi. In is efforts to develop an independent country he also paved the path for Indian women to rise and speak against the social norms, which excluded them in society. During the time of Gandhi's leadership he observed many instances in which women were suffering. For instance, the average life span of an Indian was 27 years as both babies and pregnant women ran a high risk of dying young. Child marriages were very common, widows were in high numbers, and only 2% of the women had any education. In addition, specifically in North India the women practiced the purda (veil) system, in which they had to keep their faces covered if they were to go outside. Gandhi recognized and attempted to change the terrible suffering of Indian women and therefore, he initiated women to step out of their homes and participate in the protests by his use of Satyagraha philosophy, which resulted in several women leading their own movements. The harmful treatment toward Indian women was profoundly due to societal and religious sacraments. Many societal and religious customs subordinated women and made them inferior to man. A hundred years ago it was common for child marriages to occur, and for it to be completely legal. Child marriages were considered important in Indian society especially in the Hindu religion, since it was crucial to be married to someone of the same caste and therefore should be arranged at a young age. However, this invariably led to a high number of child widows since the men the young girls were marrying were much older. Gandhi stated ââ¬Å"not only consider it uncivilised but a crime against God to call the union of children a married state because it undermines morals and induces physical degenerationâ⬠ii. He recognized that child marriages were immoral and also contributed to the high number of child widows. Gandhi believed that if young girls were not married at such young ages then the number of child widows would decrease. Although, Gandhi was married at a young age of 13 he ââ¬Å"vehementlyâ⬠condemned child marriages and argued that ancient Hindu scriptural texts laying down ââ¬Å"barbaricâ⬠and ââ¬Å"degradingâ⬠rules regarding women should be revisediii. Gandhi proposed the idea that child marriages should not occur and that there should be a minimum age at which a girl can be married. This proposal by Gandhi initiated women to take action on this issue. At the first session of the Women's Conference they adopted a resolution urging the government to make marriages under 16 a penal offence. Although, this did take time to enforce eventually in 1929 the Sarda Act took place fixing the age limit to 15 iv. This was the first legislative enactment the women had won, and a substantial part of this was due to Gandhi's realization that women were equals. Gandhi strongly believed that women and men were of equal sex and women should not be treated any differently. Gandhi stated, ââ¬Å"Woman is the companion of man, gifted with equal mental capacities. She has the right to participate in very minutest detail in the activities of man and she has an equal right of freedom and liberty with himâ⬠v. Gandhi had a strong sense of respect for women in society and believed they needed to be treated equally. Another societal and religious pressure that was considered essential for Indian women to practice was the purdah (veil) system. Purdah was more of a tradition to areas of Islamic rule. Women were to keep all parts of their body covered in public, except their eyes. Gandhi witnessed the effects purdah had on women, and believed that chasity came from within and that it could not be protected by the purdah. Gandhi stated, ââ¬Å"It must grow from within, and to be worth anything it must be capable of withstanding every unsought temptationâ⬠vi. The purdah system restricted women to the household and even such tasks as shopping were the responsibility of the men. Gandhi encouraged a campaign to be sought out which would educate both the men and women, ââ¬Å"If the campaign is well organized, and continued with zeal, the purdah should become a thing of the pastâ⬠vii. Although the purdah system has not been entirely eliminated it has significantly decreased among women in South Asia today. However, Gandhi found that even those who were educated did not have the courage to reject the purdah customviii. The suggestion by Gandhi to educate young women was made early in the nineteenth century to eliminate practices that subordinated women. The education of women was poor at the time of Gandhi, and this was because of their low status in society. As the Nationlist movement developed a high magnitude base in the 1930's attention began to be directed toward the education of the crowd. In 1973, Gandhi organized a conference which came to be known as the Wardha scheme, a system of basic education for India. Girls basic education was to concentrate on domestic courses. However, Gandhi emphasized that men's and women's education should differ. This idea is one that does not necessarily contribute to equality. Gandhi states, â⬠We shall accept equality of rights for women, but I think their education should differ from men's as their nature and function doâ⬠ix. Gandhi did want women to achieve equality, however; he still believed that women had a different role. The fact that there are different roles due to gender does not necessarily support women's liberation. This contradiction in Gandhi's work is due to his belief that, ââ¬Å"It is women's right to rule the house. Man is master outside of itâ⬠x. Gandhi certainly believed that the education for women was extremely important, however; he did not believe that the methods for education should be identical in both cases xi. Once women became educated according to Gandhi they would no longer put up with ââ¬Å"glaring inequalities to which they are subjectedâ⬠xii. Gandhi emphasized the importance of education and after independence came a constitutional guarantee to establish free and compulsory education for all children xiii. Gandhi's insightful observations on Indian women have initiated substantial changes to their lifestyle and status in society due to his encouragement of education. To get women out of their homes and participate in the freedom for Independence Gandhi introduced his philosophy of Satyagraha. Gandhi's philosophy of Satyagraha is one that appealed to women and contributed to their emancipation. In South Africa Gandhi developed the technique of Satyagraha or ââ¬Å"soul forceâ⬠which proved effective in resisting political control that the British demonstrated. Truth (Satya) implies love, and firmness (Agraha) engenders and therefore serve's as a synonym for force. Gandhi adopted what he learned in South Africa and demonstrated his political genius for the Independence struggle of India. Under his guidance a mass movement was created and eventually through his patience and his use of Satyagraha, Independence was declared in 1949. Gandhi seemed to direct an appeal specifically to women, telling them he had great faith in their capacity to sacrifice and endure suffering. This was a concept that women could easily comprehend since they have socialized to endure and sacrifice. Mahatma Gandhi speaks of this and explains why women are more able to self-sacrifice, ââ¬Å"Woman is the incarnation of Ahimsa. Ahimsa means infinite love which again means infinite capacity in the largest measure. She shows it as she carries the infant and feeds it during nine months and derives joy in the suffering involved. What can beat the sufferings caused by the pangs of labour? But she forgets them in the joy of creation. Who, again, suffers daily so that her babe may wax from today? Let her transfer that love the whole humanity, let her forget she ever was or can be object of man's lust. And she will occupy her proud position by the side of man as his mother, maker and silent leader. It is given to her to teach the art of peace to the warring world, thirsting for that nectar. She can become the leader of Satyagraha which does not require the learning that books give but does require the stout heart that comes from suffering and faithâ⬠xiv. As one can see it was Gandhi's belief in women's strength that initiated them to promote Satyagraha and become a part of the movement. Millions of women both educated and illiterate, housewives, widows, students and the elderly participated in India's freedom movement because of Gandhi's influence. Gandhi set a unique example amongst Indian leaders by including women among the ââ¬Å"massesâ⬠in a more natural way. Women participated in mass movements led by him in a natural course xv. The women of India used their new tool of passive resistance to fight for freedom and independence. During the march to Dandi in 1930, to break the salt law, women from all levels and walks of life came out into the ââ¬Å"battle arenaâ⬠. As the men were put behind bars, the women stepped out providing mature considered leadership, inititative, and resourcefulness, beyond all expectations xvi. At this time women were risking their lives in order to gain freedom. Women were held in jail, some of them pregnant and thus many died because of the lack of food. They did this all in the hope that one day India would be a free country, with little conception that these actions would help to free the women of India. Gandhi put women on a higher spiritual pedestal and expected them to be a real ââ¬Ëdivine power'. ââ¬Å"Not only did he believe that women was man's equal, rather, he took her to be superior in her capacity to suffer and sacrificeâ⬠xvii. Gandhi's belief that women were more superior because they could endure greater amounts of suffering encouraged women to step forward and participate in such movements. There is not doubt that the most awakening event for Indian women was the battle for India's political freedom by the use of the non-violent action that Gandhi encouraged. During Gandhi's political movements he attempted to boycott all British made goods and instead assert the need for Indians to make their own goods. Mahatma Gandhi was indeed a pragmatic thinker and he realized that women were the fifty percent of human resources and it was essential to use them in the struggle for independence. ââ¬Å"The chastity of women can be protected with the help of the spinning wheel. There is another occupation in which millions of women can engage themselves remaining at home. India must learn to be self-reliantâ⬠xviii. He believed that women were overwhelmingly concerned with the need for foreign cloth, and instead believed that women should start spinning the wheel in order to make their own cloth. This was an idea that started off to be for the benefit of reaching independence, however; it also benefited the emancipation of women in India. Women were now self-sufficient and began to feel much more confidant and independent because they did not have to rely on others. Gandhi has made considerable impacts on women and has motivated them to step forward and lead movements of their own. For instance the All India Women's Conference (AIWC) founded in 1927 tried to mobilize Indian women and build a national organization concerning social service activities xix. The AIWC gave women's organization a national leadership and achieved limited success in influencing government policy with regard to women's suffrage, education and healthxx. The Nationalist leader Sarojini Naidu was one of the first women to take the ââ¬Å"pledgeâ⬠. She held demonstrations in various cites and made special appeals to women of the land xxi. Under Gandhi's leadership thousands of women took leading roles in several movements. Gandhi never considered women to be unfit for any position or task. From the considerable support of Gandhi, women's groups were formed all over India and hardly a week passed where Gandhi did not address a women's group. Mary Fainsoid said in her article that leftist commentators argued that women's groups associated with parties have the potential of being more effective because of their connections with mass organizations xxii. Gandhi was a member of the Indian National Congress. He approved the declaration in 1931 that the Constitute would have to agree to for a free India. The particular clauses relating to women were those dealing with equal rights and obligations of citizens without any bar on account for sex, the protection of women workers and special adequate provisions of leave during maternity periodxxiii. The commitment that was made in 1931 was embodied in the Constitution of free India and was later adopted by the Indian Constituent Assembly of 1949 xxiv. It is safe to say that the women's contributions along with Gandhi's leadership in the Independence struggle were in a sense rewarded by legal equality. Women in Indian society have achieved great prominence. This has been achieved not only by one single event but instead by a string of events. Gandhi is an individual who started the emancipation of women due to his protests for an Independent India. He not only introduced women to Satyagraha but he was also a ceaseless crusader for women's equality. He brought the women of their homes and made them equal participants in the walks of life-social as well as political. The work of Gandhi has affected millions of people but the effect it has on women has changed their status forever. It is due to Gandhi's initiative and guidance that India now has more working women than any other country. This includes female workers at all levels of skill ââ¬â from the surgeon and the airline pilot to bus conductors and menial labourers xxv. Although, there are still many social barriers facing Indian women today, hopefully people will look upon Gandhi's guidance and be motivated to abolish and prejudice that still occurs today.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Dawros Bay
The Dawros Bay Hotel has recently major financial problems. It is partly because of the economic crisis, but also because of the loss of our clientele. In order to bring back our customers , management appointed me as a new Restaurant manager. The management have lso set their objectives of providing excellent food with 5* as there unique selling point. Therefore, to increase our working effecience and quality of restaurant proper training will be provided as first.This training manual will indroduce you with some new Standard operating procedures which I believe will help us to become succesfull and profitable Restaurant. Daniel Hovancak Restaurant Manager The Importance of Training Training is one of our crucial factor to become succesful and profitable restaurant. It will help you ( as an employee ) to become more efficient and productive if you are trained well.Lillcrap (2010) defines training as the systematic developmnet of people, where the the general objectives are to : Incr ease the quantity and quality of output by improving employee skills Reduce accidents Make the operation more profitable by reducing the amount of equipment and material required to produce or sell in a given unit Make it possible for restaurant manager, or restaurant supervisors to spend less time correcting mistakes and more time in planning Enable new employees to meet their Job requirements and enable experienced employees to accept transfers and increase efficiency in work Definition of Standard Operating ProceduresStandard operating procedures (SOP) are detailed explanation of how a policy is to be implemented. An effective SOP communicates who will perform the task, what materials are necessary, where the task will take place, when the task shall be performed and how the person will execute the task. The purpose of a SOP is to give detailed directions. This means that every single member of Food and Berverge staff in Dawross Bay Hotel can do a Job correctly, on time and what is very important every time..Every SOP iw written will be presented to be more effective, Training that includes hands-on learning activities ill help you to learn and remember information more readily. Every member of F&B staff will be regularly monitored after trainig to make sure you are following training procedures. In general, according to his personal opinion, I believe there are 4 aspects that should be included in his Training Manual as Standard Operating Procedures. These are as follow: 1. How to make make perfect Espresoo 3. Upselling 4.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
No More One and Done
No More One and Done All writers know that building a career in words is only two parts à writing and sixty parts marketing. For new writers especially, the à ratio of marketing to writing is high. Writing regularly for a handful à of publications means less marketing and more actual paying work. You probably have a few editors youd like to work with again, but à dont stop there. Dream Clients Keep a list. Decide where you want to write and pursue those à publications. Decide what types of writing you want in your à day-to-day. If your goal is to write health and wellness pieces, pitch à those markets. You might not jump straight to the ranks of Oxygen à magazine but keep them on your list while you build clips from other à fitness publications. Eventually, you can show off those Now What? Youve landed an assignment at a publication youd like to write for à again. You rocked the article, you liked your editor and your piece is à approaching publication. Now what? Submit another ideaor two. You dont have to wait months or start from scratch somewhere else. à Remind the editor of your previous work together and submit a couple à new article ideas with an offer to send an outline on any that pique à an interest. If you met your deadline and delivered what you promised, à youre already ahead of 99 percentà of the submissions in her inbox.à I landed a regular column this way. Keep In Contact Ways to maintain relationships and create new ones include: Social Media Retweet, share, like and tag those posts. Follow your dream editors on à Twitter and LinkedIn. Friend them on Facebook. Not only will it keep à your name in front of them but it will also keep you informed and à current and might even get you some inside info, like birthdays and à pet peeves. The Comment Box ââ¬Å"Nice postâ⬠is not enough. You have to contribute meaningful and à helpful comments. Remember that the purpose of a blog is to help the à readers. Bloggers, whether youve written for them before or not, will à notice your willingness to assist their readers and your knowledge of à the subject. Subscriptions, duh No brainer, right? This is cheaper with online publications because à most digital newsletters are free and youll probably get the latest à download in exchange for your email! For print publications, read the à letter from the editor every month and note any changes in format or à the masthead. In your pitch, mention something recent to show youre informed on à what the publication has been up to. A quick ââ¬Å"congrats on being named à one of the top fifty blogs in the universeâ⬠or ââ¬Å"excited for the à release of your [insert upcoming product here]â⬠demonstrates your à continued interest. The Editorial Calendar A pitch aimed at the editorial calendar shows youre professional, do à your homework and are there to make the editors life a little easier. à Find their lead time which will tell you how far into the calendar à you should focus. If you cant find an editorial calendar, you can à always shoot a quick email asking if there are upcoming themes for a à publication. Narrowing your client list can lead to steady sources of work and less à time marketing, which means more time writing and earning. Be à professional and respectful. Meet your deadlines. Deliver what you à promise and if you maintain those relationships, editors will be à relieved when they see your name in their inbox again and again.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Impact of Energy Drinks on the Army Research Proposal
The Impact of Energy Drinks on the Army - Research Proposal Example Nearly 118 years ago, the U.S Army made its initial efforts to nurture and use an organized physical training program. One of the main facts acting as a driver is the program development and all later enhancements which remain unaltered. From the initial years, the preponderance of new entrants to the U.S. Army does not have the adequate physical fitness levels for carrying out their duties more efficiently in a combat. Since the birth of U.S. Army in 1775, this has been the case and at the end of the Civil War, this was more apparent. For preparing its soldiers for combat, the U.S. Army has recurrently fine-tuned its fitness regimen. FM 21-20 Physical training has been the unique source of physical training perused by U.S. army since 1941. The outdated FM 21-20 physical training was replaced by Army Physical Readiness Training in March 2010. United States Army doctrine considers the effect of physical fitness as a significant factor which has the direct impact on mission preparednes s. U.S army learned hard lessons from Korean War as the deployment of 540, not well-trained soldiers were routed by the North Korean army. As per U.S. Department of Army, an armyââ¬â¢s unit physical training program should be footed upon the unitââ¬â¢s most physically demanding skills, the program should include activities like foot marching for shorter distances like 3 to 5 miles under fighting load, loading and lifting equipment, organizing for impediment course negotiation and movement strategies for individuals.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Constitution questions Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Constitution questions - Article Example That said, however, I would advise that you follow certain guidelines. First, the funding should go to organizations which do not discriminate based upon religious belief or affiliation. Second, the group must not link the distribution of the social benefits to attendance at a church or conversion to a faith. If these guidelines are followed, then the funding of the faith-based initiatives should be fine. Let me begin by stating that free speech is guaranteed under the First Amendment, and should not be abridged except in the most serious of circumstances. This case, as you can see hardly rises to this level; indeed, the pamphlets are merely descriptive and carry no political or ideological message which might be construed as an incitement to violence or the causing of a panic. That something may be offensive is hardly a justification for abridging speech. Without more, these pamphlets, however distasteful to some, ought not to be censored. It must be noted at the outset that defamation, the publication of a fact which is false and harms a person's reputation, is not accorded First Amendment protection in many situations.
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